You are looking to make extra money and work from home or have always wanted to be an internet entrepreneur. However, the affiliate marketing world scares you, mainly because you are a newbie. Don’t be intimidated! Remember, we all were beginners at something during our lives; we weren’t born an expert in everything.
Now, how do you become an expert in the internet space? Well, it is pretty straightforward. But, first, you need to sign up for the best affiliate marketing training courses available within the industry.
Then, the next question becomes, where to go to get the most current, trending coaching available about affiliate marketing? Again, that’s a no-brainer, head over to Wealthy Affiliate!
This post will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the many courses available at Wealthy Affiliate, which is the best place to learn about internet marketing and grow your business.
So, without further ado, here is a sneak peek of the training available at Wealthy Affiliate:
Online Entrepreneur Certification Course to Learn the Ropes
The Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC) course is one of the core training available at WA. In fact, upon joining Wealthy Affiliate, you will be directed to that training course to learn the basics of internet marketing.
The OEC course includes five levels, as shown below:

Each level contains ten lessons, as shown in the image below:

The way the courses are designed is very interactive. It is not, by any means, a dull virtual classroom, where you sit in front of your computer and have to listen to someone talking or have to read pages after pages of notes. On the contrary, it is an active classroom, and you are involved in the lessons!
Since people don’t all learn in the same fashion, the training courses are built to take advantage of the different media available out there, such as videos, tutorials, and so on. Moreover, if you don’t understand something covered within the lesson, you can ask questions at the end of the lesson, and the WA community will be there to offer assistance!
Yes, you have to do homework or tasks for each lesson, but look at it this way, these tasks are actually aimed to help you build your online business while you learn about affiliate marketing!
Affiliate Bootcamp Training, Growing the Wealthy Affiliate Family!
The Affiliate Bootcamp training is the other main course available on the WA platform. It has seven levels and more than 70 lessons (see image below).

As a starter member, you have access to phase 1. If you want to continue the Bootcamp training (phases 2 to 7), you need to sign up for the WA Premium membership.
You probably think this is all nice and dandy, but which one should I do first? Certification courses or Bootcamp training?
Entrepreneur Certification or the Affiliate Bootcamp – A Dilemma… Well, Nope!
After joining the WA family, you start with the Entrepreneur Certification course, as I mentioned earlier. Early in training, you can choose your path, certification, or Bootcamp training. However, I strongly urge you to stick with the Entrepreneur Certification course.
Why? Because doing the OEC course first will allow you to learn the ropes of internet marketing. Also, some things are only taught through the Entrepreneur Certification course, such as the differences between an affiliate program and an affiliate network, why become an Amazon affiliate, etc.
The certification training is about turning your passion into a thriving online business! Thus, your niche for your business is one of your interests, which makes it considerably easier to write content since you are passionate about the chosen niche.
When I joined WA a few years back, I was just like you, totally clueless about affiliate marketing.
So, in order to get the hang of it, so to speak, I first did the Entrepreneur Certification course, and I chose as a niche one of my interests, African safaris. I created my business (website) around African safaris.
It enabled me to learn how to create content, what affiliate programs are, the proper way to use social media, and more while building my site. As a result, you can have a very successful online business based on your passion.
However, once you have finished the Entrepreneur Certification course, you can do the Affiliate Bootcamp training if you want to.
One of the advantages of doing the OEC course first is that it lets you become more comfortable with the tools and the WA platform itself. Since the Affiliate Bootcamp training is all about promoting Wealthy Affiliate, starting with the certification training gives you a head start and a better understanding of the WA platform. That makes sense, right?
There is also training for the more seasoned marketers such as email marketing, video marketing, PPC (Pay per Click), and local marketing. All of these lessons aim to help you further grow your online business.
Wealthy Affiliate Community – Well-Minded Affiliate Marketers
The Wealthy Affiliate platform is more than just tools and training courses! It’s a community of well-minded people sharing the same goals as you to become a successful affiliate marketer!
The WA community is vibrant, with more than 2 million members worldwide! The community encompasses people from different walks of life, including newbies, to thriving online entrepreneurs.
Thus, if you ever get stuck and need help, the best place to turn to is the WA community. You can pop into the Live Chat to ask questions, get advice about how to do things, or, if you prefer, ask your questions within the Wealthy Affiliate platform!
You will also find tutorials, training videos made by WA members covering many aspects of affiliate marketing, and so much more!
The WA community offers extensive support for anyone looking for it and a wealth of knowledge.
Live Events – Weekly Hangout with Jay!
The best way to stay current and up-to-date within the fast-evolving world of affiliate marketing is via the Live Events hosted by Jay Neill, the Training Chief here at WA. As a premium member, you can attend the weekly webinar on Friday. No worries, if you missed one, they are recorded! So, you have access to more than hundreds of hours of video class replays!

My Final Thoughts
Here you have a comprehensive walkthrough of the training courses available at Wealthy Affiliate. If you want to be successful online, the first thing you need to do is educate yourself.
Ready to learn about affiliate marketing? If so, I recommend that you sign up for the free starter membership, where you will have access to Level 1 of the Entrepreneur Certification course. By the end of the course, you will have chosen your direction, built a website, learned the basics of affiliate marketing, and be on your way toward managing a thriving online business!
Although, if you are serious about becoming an expert in your niche, you should consider taking the next step and upgrading to the Premium membership.
It will enable you to learn more about internet marketing as you will have access to all the training courses and one-on-one coaching by the owners, Kyle and Carson, which is totally unheard of! Just think about this for a minute, how often do you have access to the CEO of a company, even in the offline world?
If you have any questions about the WA training courses or want to share your online experiences, please leave a comment below. I am looking forward to hearing your stories.
There are so many affiliate marketing programs out there crowning themselves as the best training courses, but I have to say this is by far the best I have seen.
Based on the modules and details within each module, I have to say that the creators really did a great job. This training courses from Wealthy Affiliate is exactly what I have been wanting, and I am glad I have finally found it. Thanks heaps.
I am glad, Dave, that you have found Wealthy Affiliate!
I think that the affiliate marketing training courses offered by WA are the best by far of the affiliate’s industry. By signing for the courses, this will without a doubt give a jump start as an affiliate marketer as it provides invaluable insights to build and grow a successful business online.
I’ve been trying to get a head start with affiliate marketing with some courses I found on Udemy, and although they do offer some good basics, I find that it’s difficult to get a response from the instructors for Q&A.
This platform that you are recommending looks more comprehensive. Do they provide any channels for you to ask questions? Thanks.
One of the awesome thing about the Wealthy Affiliate platform is that if you ever get stuck, it won’t be for long, rest assured! There are many ways in which you can get help.
You can go to the help center tab where you have the option to ask your questions there. Or as you are doing the training courses, if you need help, you simply leave a comment at the end of the lesson and ask your questions.
Moreover, within the help section, you also have the option to ask for help from either Kyle or Carson, the founders of Wealthy Affiliate as well as other top helpers within the WA community.
Lastly, I think the fastest way to get help is to pop into the live chat and ask!
Hey, I really enjoyed your article, this was very informative about the training courses offered by Wealthy Affiliate.
I have been here about six months, and I still love it and learn new stuff almost every day. The training here is the best, and I love the fact that there are no upsells at all. It is quite efforteless to learn affiliate marketing and how to build and grow your website at WA!
Thanks for sharing your input about the training offered at Wealthy Affiliate. I don’t know of any other platform within the affiliate marketing world that even come close when it comes to the quality, the quantity, as well as the diversity of the training offered within the platform.
There is so much choice of online courses out there (many of which are scams), it’s a tough decision to make! I looked at so many different ones before deciding on Wealthy Affiliate. It’s a decision I certainly haven’t regretted! The community is second to none, in my opinion, everyone is so helpful if you have a question, the training is superb, and there is so much information available. I can highly recommend it!
Well, you are right Louise, when looking for the best of affiliate marketing training courses online it could be quite an undertaking, to say the least! I find that the Wealthy Affiliate platform provides a comprehensive environment to prosper as an affiliate marketer since you have everything you will ever need for your online business. So, there is no need to go elsewhere; Wealthy Affiliate has you covered! Moreover, the WA community is as you say unheard of in the affiliate marketing industry.
Thanks for your seal of approval for the Wealthy Affiliate platform! 🙂
Hi Sonia. I’ve been a member since 2015 myself. I had zero knowledge about everything. Luckily I found WA where I learned how to build an online business step by step.
I couldn’t agree with you more about the rich training courses and tutorials as well as the well-minded WA community who are there to help you. It needs commitment and perseverance of course, but we are always learning at the WA platform. Great article.
Thanks Mona, for your endorsement as well as sharing your thoughts about your experience with the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
Hey. At the moment I do not have a job, and I intend to earn money through affiliate marketing. The problem is that I am a newbie when it comes to affiliate marketing. So, I never thought that I would find a platform like Wealthy Affiliate to teach me about internet marketing. Now I really do not have to worry about the fact that I do not know anything.
I am thrilled that there are weekly video courses and also courses that will teach me everything step by step. Thank you for this post.
I am glad to see that you want to learn about affiliate marketing. Sign up for the certification courses first, and by the end of this course, you won’t feel any more like a newbie in the affiliate space. You will have gained a great deal of knowledge as well as the self-confidence needed to run an online business.
When I saw this, I felt very moved to LITERALLY print out the document. This is the best written description of what Wealthy Affiliate is all about. If other people knew this early on, they wouldn’t make the mistake of going to a wrong hosting site and not having the abundance of INFORMATION that Wealthy Affiliate offers.
I know that finding a good hosting provider could be quite a struggle for many people. So, Wealthy Affiliate is awesome as it provides all in one place all the affiliate tools you will ever need in order to learn about affiliate marketing while building and managing your online business.
P.S: Don’t print the document… as you found value within my post, share it through social media with your friends and family, spread the word!
Hey Sonia,
I have been looking for a very detailed affiliate marketing course for over the last 3 months now. You know how hard it is to get something that is comprehensive as most of the programs out there offer half-baked courses.
I saw your post, and even before I started reading it, by merely seeing the images, it reassured me about the program, and by the time I was done reading your post, I knew that, this course was the one I needed.
And it turns out it was true. I have now joined and gotten started with the certification training. Thank you very much for your information and thoroughness.
Thanks, Dave. Welcome to the WA family! Keep me posted on your progress with the certification courses.
Don’t hesitate to drop me a line here or send me a private message through the Wealthy Affiliate platform if you need help or just want to talk about your journey as an affiliate marketer.
Hey Sonia,
Really cool post. I truly enjoyed reading it.
I love how you went into depth and explained it in a way that everybody can understand what Wealthy Affiliate is all about.
You are so right when you’re saying that with the proper training you can be successful online. As a member myself, I fully appreciate the quality of the training courses. The training gets updated regularly, so you always know about the latest trends in affiliate marketing.
I also like the fact, that besides getting one-on-one coaching from Kyle and Carson, which are 100% committed as they want you to succeed, you have access to well high-quality training from others very knowledgeable WA’s member! I most certainly think that it’s a plus.
I’m glad to see that I am not the only one that fully appreciates the training courses that are available on the Wealthy Affiliate platform! Thanks for your feedback.