Whether you’re considering starting a blog to earn a little bit of money on the side or even fantasizing that blogging on the Internet could make you a full-time income, almost every blogger out there has asked at one point or another one fundamental question. That question is, can you make money blogging online?
Regardless of when you may have started, there comes a time in every blogger’s journey when they wonder whether blogging really does work or if it’s just a pipe dream.
Many people tend to share a common concern: thinking that they waited too long to act and start their blogging journey.
So, Can You Still Make Money Blogging?
YES! You can still make money blogging online! Sorry for shouting, but you must realize that starting a blog nowadays is slightly different from starting one in the past. It’s still very possible for you to earn a full-time income online by blogging.

Best of all, you don’t have to have some super-secret guru-driven formula that costs thousands of dollars for you to be able to succeed with your blogging business.
Other people are doing it all the time. Thankfully, many of them have shared some of their income reports to let us know that our dreams of creating a life-changing revenue stream through blogging are still possible.
Before we discuss some of the many success stories that other bloggers have shared, let’s first talk about how things have changed from the past to where they stand today, and best of all, why now is the best time for you to start your own blog if you want to use it to help you make more money both now and in the future.
How the Blogging Landscape Has Changed
When blogging and even making money online in general first came about, many of the things you had to do to succeed were very confusing for both online business owners and the people who came to their sites.
In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t that long ago when all you had to do to rank a website was simply to put a specific “keyword” into an article many times. As the result, people could rank their content by doing this. Still, it created garbage websites that users visiting the sites simply didn’t enjoy or gain value from.
Content creators and bloggers were forced to stuff their content so full of keywords that many simply didn’t enjoy blogging at all. While the competition was far less than what it is today, the type of content being published added very little value for readers and left many bloggers feeling unfulfilled.
Thankfully, this is no longer the case nowadays.
Now, the Internet landscape is far more user-friendly. Search engines reward those who create quality content that delivers value to the people consuming that content. Best of all, you don’t have to possess any type of amazing knowledge to make your blog successful.
All you need to be able to do is create engaging content around a topic that you know well or want to know more about, follow a proven blueprint to help you with the more technical stuff, and be consistent with your efforts. If you simply follow those three steps, you can undoubtedly make money blogging online.
How do I know that it’s still possible for you to be able to earn a significant income by blogging? I have had success in earning money with my blog in recent months, and hundreds of others online have made my blogging income look rather minuscule.
Blogging Success Stories
As I mentioned above, several great sites are gracious enough to share their income reports and give all of us hope and motivation to keep pushing forward. While there may be hundreds, if not thousands, of bloggers out there who are willing to share their income, below are just a couple that I have come across and followed in the past.
Making Sense Of Cents

Making Sense Of Cents is a personal finance and lifestyle blog. The site is all about earning money through different side hustles both online and offline, managing the money you earn and traveling while on a budget.
The site’s owner, Michelle, is kind enough to share her blog’s income reports multiple times throughout the year, with her most recent one being published at the end of January.
While she stopped disclosing her exact numbers in 2018, she still shares what works best for her. She also states in her January income report that she regularly earns over $100,000 a month blogging and over $5 million from blogging since she originally started.
If you’d like to check out some of Michelle’s income reports, she’s created a category on her blog where she shares all of them.
Club Thrifty

Club Thrifty is another personal finance and lifestyle blog, but it has a great and unique twist. Greg and Holly Johnson own it. The neat thing about this site is that they share their successes, like many other finance and lifestyle sites, and share their failures and where they came from.
In my opinion, they deliver great motivation and optimism in their income reports. At the same time, their about page offers a great dose of realism that can be an amazing read when you’re feeling down about this whole make-money-online thing.
Their content is all about eliminating debt, saving money, earning money through freelancing and blogging, and traveling on a budget. There’s a little something for everyone on the site. If you’d like to see one of Greg and Holly’s income reports, feel free to check it out here. They just celebrated a very significant milestone of 1 million in annual earnings. It’s a very inspiring post, to say the least.
What to Take Away from These Reports
The good news is even though things may be a bit more challenging for you these days, is still very possible for you to create a full-time income blogging. While there is more competition now than there was in the past, there are also a lot of new tools and resources that make it easier to get your online business up and running.
For example, in the past, many people struggled to make their sites aesthetically pleasing. Thanks to the Block Editor update and more page-building tools than ever, making your website look how you want it is effortless.
Another significant advantage you have now that wasn’t as prevalent in the past is that many search engines have developed updates in recent years designed to make user experiences more important than backlinks and other factors easily gamed in the past.
Now, quality content is more important than many other factors for search engine rankings. This gives individual bloggers more opportunities to rank content higher in the search engines, drive more visitors to their sites, and ultimately make significantly more money than you may have been able to in the past.
So, Is It a Good Year to Make Money Blogging Online?
All in all, yes, it is a great year to start making money blogging online. There are more tools than ever before to help you succeed, and the technical knowledge base requirements to get started have never been lower.
Now, it’s easier than ever to find information to create content around, style your site just the way you want it, find an audience on social media, and ultimately create a full-time business around any topic you may be passionate about.
Are You Ready to Get Started?
Are you ready to get started with making money blogging online?
If so, the most important thing to do is follow a blueprint that has been proven time and again to help others succeed with their online money-making endeavors. Best of all, you can get started for free and do not even need to share your credit card information.

If you are ready to get started making money with your own online blog, take a moment to check out my top recommended resource. Once inside, you can find all the information you need to start your own full-time business online.
I was actually one of those people who thought that I had waited too long to join this journey. I’m glad I still gave it a try because it’s not only therapeutic to write and have other people read your work, but at the same time, you’re earning some extra income that can drastically change your life.
Also, it is indeed really inspiring to see how other people have worked their way up and have made this business a permanent full-time income producer. It just gives us bloggers some hope that change and success will come our way.
You are absolutely right. If we keep at it, we will thrive blogging online. Moreover, quality content is vital to building a successful business within the affiliate marketing space.
This blogging post will be beneficial to tons of people out there, as it has helped me learn better strategies on affiliate marketing. I appreciate your work, and thanks for sharing.
I really have benefited a great deal of knowledge from you from how you explain the importance of affiliate marketing, and the success stories you outlined have encouraged me to push harder for success.
I agree with you! Yes, I believe that this year is a great year to make a huge success online through blogging (affiliate marketing).
I will further agree with you that Wealthy Affiliate is an awesome community of people with amazing tools that can help anyone to achieve online success.
The WA platform offers many services ranging from sourcing information to creating content, styling your site just the way you want it, finding an audience on social media, and ultimately creating a full-time business around any topic you may be passionate about. All this is made possible thanks to Wealthy Affiliate.
Well said! If you are looking for a place to learn everything there is to know about affiliate marketing and want to build a blogging niche website; Wealthy Affiliate is your one-stop-shop!
Hello Sonia, online businesses are increasing by the day, and by each passing day, there is a growth in many sectors of making money online or which blogging has gained so much prominence in that aspect.
One can be earning well enough from blogging, and all that is need is knowing how to go about making your site appealing to visitors and making it known to everyone. I hope we all achieve success.
Well, I hope that we all achieve success in blogging! I think that because of the time we are living right now, it is the perfect time to start an online business as many people are turning to the internet to buy all their essentials goods. So, every niche could be very profitable.
Hello Sonia, thanks for sharing such fantastic concise information, which will be of great help to many of us just starting in the affiliate space.
I was actually doing some research online when I saw your blogging post. I’ve been trying to start a blogging site for a while now, but I don’t know how it works.
However, after going through your site, I believe my journey of becoming a successful blogger starts here thanks a lot for the info. I’ll surely make some recommendations.
When you are new to the affiliate marketing world, it could be confusing and overwhelming. This is why I decided to write a post that you can make money blogging online, and with the proper affiliate marketing training, you will have a successful blogging online business.
If you are interested, take a moment and read about a proven method to learn how to build a blogging site by clicking here.
Hello Sonia, thanks a lot for sharing this post about blogging.
I must say I really did enjoy reading your article as it contains valuable information about affiliate marketing in general. This post is about whether or not starting a blog is very much needed, especially in the time we currently live in.
I will be sharing your post with a couple of friends for sure.
I am glad to see that you enjoy reading my post on blogging online and will share it with others.
Hello Sonia, a big thanks to you for sharing this insightful and informative post on the topic titled, can you make money blogging online? The answer to this question is yes.
One can actually make money blogging online. I have seen so many testimonies of bloggers. I am a member of the Wealthy Affiliate community, I have seen so many success stories of fellow affiliate marketer inside the WA platform. So yes, by using the proven method provided by Wealthy Affiliate, you can earn a full income blogging online.
Thank you for your input about blogging online. Happy blogging in 2020 and beyond!